Saturday, 26 September 2009

Jokes of Husband and wife series 3

Very happy day to all my dearest readers and visitors,

There is no better way than to find a blog to make you laugh at. Hope this blog will to give you a boost and bring more joy to your life. Make it a point to spend time to read this blog to laugh as much as you can. Remember, laughter is contagious! So, the more you laugh and giggle, the more laughter and joy will come your way.

I am continue to run jokes of Husband and wife series 3 in this article,  so as to give you a good day start.

Q: Why do women live longer than men?
A: Shopping never causes heart attacks, but paying the bill does!

I would love to hear your comments, both good and bad. If you have any feedback, please email me. Thank you in advance and look forward to hearing from you.

Please don't stop here but direct your loved one and friends to this blog to show your care and love on them. Please help me to reach and serve them as well.

Stay tuned always to make your day a Great day. Life always begin from us.

James Oh

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