Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Jokes on Insurance Policy

Very happy day to all my loving readers and visitors,

Hope this post find you in a high spirit and pink of health.

This is a good one, where all insurance men should learn.....

The husband of a pregnant wife was thinking of buying insurance for his unborn baby.

So he asked GE and the agent said, “Don’t worry, we will provide insurance right from the basket to the casket.”

The man was impressed but thought that he should probably seek another opinion. He then approached PR. The agent replied, “Oh, we have a new insurance policy which can protect your unborn from the womb right up to the tomb.”

The man was stunned but thought that maybe all insurance agents liked to bullshit.
So he decided to see the agent from AA. He told the AA agent what PR and GE had to offer.

The AA agent then thought for a while and then said, “Tell you something, we have one that is better than PR and GE. We will insure your child from erection to resurrection.”

Ha ! Ha!


To succeed in this competitive world, you need to Think Creatively and Act Fast so as to close the deal.

Trust you have a good laugh. Stay tuned so stay healthy.

James Oh

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